20 November 2009

Book Banter -- Echo Burning

Title: Echo Burning (Jack Reacher, bk. 5)
Author: Lee Child
Length: ~370 pages
Genre: mystery
Where Word Nerd's copy came from: Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library
Plot Basics: Jack Reacher is hitch-hiking his way across Texas when he's picked up by a woman with a plan -- she wants Reacher to kill her abusive husband. As the temperatue in desolate west Texas rises, Reacher finds himself embroiled in her plans, despite his insistence that he wants nothing to do with it.

Banter Points: Like any good storm, this book builds and builds until the pressure boils over and races to a climactic finish.

Bummer Points: The book builds, but Word Nerd found much of it very slow, until the race through the last 100 pages. While Word Nerd likes Reacher (still not sure she'd want to meet him since crazy things happen when he's around), this one just wasn't as good as other ones. It was good solid hit in the Reacher line-up, but no home-run.

Word Nerd Recommendation: Read it if you're a Reacher fan, but this isn't the place to jump into the middle of the series.

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