Title: Fourth Comings
Author: Megan McCafferty
Length: 310 pages
Genre: Chick-lit/literary
Plot Basics: Jessica Darling, the quick-witted sharp-tongued protagonist of McCafferty's series is back. Now, done with college, she's living in a rented room, sharing a bunk bed with best friend Hope in New York City, while working as a part-time writer/editor for a magazine. Her boyfriend, the ever-eclectic Marcus Flutie is beginning his freshman year at Princeton and before his semester starts, makes Jessica a proposal. The proposal, actually. And while he's off on a freshman trip, Jessica has a week to think about (and journal) his proposal.
Banter Points: Voice, voice, voice. This is what McCafferty's series has going for her. Voice, the first-person narration/journal entries of Jessica have an unique timbre and bite that makes turning pages a necessity. The plot may be kind of predictable, but the way McCafferty tells the story is what's so good, rather than the ups-and-downs of the plot itself.
Bummer Points: It's funny, but Word Nerd liked the books better when Jessica was in high school.
Word Nerd Recommendation: The series is still holding strong four books in. If you are looking for a good book for older teen girls, this series is a good pick.
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