03 May 2010

Book Banter -- Lord Sunday

Title: Lord Sunday (Keys to the Kingdom bk.7)

Author: Garth Nix

Length: ~300 pages

Genre: Juvenile fantasy

Where Word Nerd's Copy Came From: Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library

Plot Basics: Arthur Penhaligon has fought his way through six days, collecting Keys and parts of the Architect's will to save the House and find a way back to his world. The cost has been great, losing his humanity as he does sorcery. Now, he must face the last and most powerful of the House Trustees -- Lord Sunday -- when he is stripped of his friends and allies. And as the battle that will save the world and his family rages, Arthur must make a choice that will impact them all.

Banter Points: The imagination of Nix's Keys to the Kingdom series that first captured Word Nerd's attention is still great, even seven books later. Nix created such a fascinating place with the Nithlings and the Denizens and the sinister clock puppets and the Piper and monsters that are plants... and well, you get the idea. It's nice to see a fantastical world with really new and different creatures instead of the same old elves/dwarves/dragons kind of mix.

Bummer Points: Word Nerd started reading a number of years ago (back when maybe only the first three books were out?) and this time, she didn't go back and reread the whole series before finishing it. The ending was a little predictable and Word Nerd wasn't as much of a fan of all the skipping around the plot did in 7. The bummer is more that Word Nerd had to wait and sort of forgot what was going on than a bummer for a bad book.

Word Nerd Recommendation: These really are great books for older kids, a non-Harry Potter magical read. Would be good reading aloud material too for parents who like this sort of thing. And now that the series is all finished, you wouldn't have Word Nerd's problem of waiting for the series to finish.

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