04 May 2010

April 2010 Bibliometer and 2009-10 Literary Year Totals

April ended last week, so bibliometer reading time again.

April 2010 --
7 books
2229 pages total
avg. 74 pages/day

2010 YTD Totals:
26 books
8845 pages

April 2009, 29 books

Word Nerd's pretty close to last year's pace of reading.

Also, Word Nerd missed reporting back in March the end of her literary year (like a fiscal year, but with books.) She started tracking books read on March 20, 2002, so the literary year is March 20-March 19.

For LY 2009-10, Word Nerd read 82 books. Her eight year total since the list began is 655.

That's a lot of books.

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