23 July 2009

Book Banter -- Naamah's Kiss

Title: Naamah's Kiss
Author: Jacqueline Carey
Length: 600+
Genre: fantasy
Plot Basics: Carey returns to her alternative Europe for her latest book. This one picks up several generations after the adventures of Phedre and Imri in the Kushiel series. The story follows Moirin, a child of the Maghun Dhonn in Alba with a D'Angeline father. She's set on an adventure that takes her to Terre D'Ange and then lands beyond as she searches for her destiny, and wrestles with her dual nature of have D'Angeline passions and Maghun Dhonn magic.
Banter Points: It was fun to return to this lush world that Carey obviously has lavished much attention on in creating it. Moirin is an interesting protagonist -- very self-assured in ways that Imri wasn't. It was also nice to see Carey again push the boundaries of the known world in the books with taking Moirin to China (Ch'in) and discussing the discovery of Terra Nova.
Bummer Points: This book was really slow to get going. Word Nerd understands that it takes time to maneuver through a complexly built world (she's dealing with this in her own writing...) but, she really didn't engage with the book fully until the second half. Additionally, the romance in this book between Moirin et al. featured a lot of lesbian relationships which Word Nerd just doesn't prefer to read about. (Actually, there's a lot of straight relationships in this book too...Moirin gets around... and unlike Phedre, the sex in this book felt superfluous to the story many times.)
Word Nerd Recommendation: On the whole, not as captivating as the first six, but worth it for Carey fans. Word Nerd will definitely read the next one when it comes out.

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