28 July 2009

Book Banter -- Conspirator

Title: Conspritor (Foreigner #10)
Author: C.J. Cherryh
Length: ~350 pages
Genre: Sci-fi
Plot Basics: Word Nerd probably can't do this without spoilers for the first nine. Sorry.

Bren Cameron, translator to the atevi aiji, is back from space and the attempted coup is over. But, internal shufflings at the legislative apartments means Bren is losing his home there, so he retires to his country estate. However, the aiji's precocious son -- Caijeiri -- sneaks away to join Bren at his coastal home. Only the politics in that region aren't as stable as they think, and Caijeiri's escapades puts them all at risk.
Banter Points: A trip back to the Foreigner universe is always welcome; even though it's an alien culture, after 10 books, it sort of feels like a home coming. Great political machinations in this one that reminded Word Nerd more of the first trilogy.
Bummer Points: Word Nerd's not thrilled with half the story being told from Caijeri's POV. Cherryh started that a few books back and it's been a change Word Nerd could have done without.
Word Nerd Recommedation: As she's said before, this is top notch sci-fi. It's not space opera and is more akin to a thoughtful political novel than sci-fi. Nevertheless, it's a must-read series for sci-fi fans.

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