07 June 2007

Book Banter -- Graffiti Girl

Title: Graffiti Girl
Author: Kelly Parra
Length: 280 pages
Genre: YA
Plot Basics: Angel Rodriguez wants her art to get noticed -- by her art teacher and by her single mom, who seems more interested in in string of loser boyfriends, or Nathan Ramos, the hot, smart guy that's in Angel's art class. Who does notice is Miguel Badalin, leader of a graffiti gang, Reyes del Norte, who offers to teach Angel how to be a graf writer. The attention from Miguel makes Nathan notice Angel too, and her ventures in graffiti art could land her in a heap of trouble if she's not careful.
Banter Points: Parra's debut novel is stellar. She doesn't mince around what high school students really do (making out, the snarkiness of peers, kids trying drugs) but she doesn't give those elements either prominent places in the story or bash them either. This level of realism would likely appeal greatly to teenagers, looking for a story that rings true to their experiences.
Bummer Points: This isn't really a YA cross-over novel that will have great appeal to adults.
Word Nerd recommendation: If you are looking for books that could be good for teens -- entertaining and not condoning sex, drugs, etc -- look for Parra's book.

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