11 June 2007

Book Banter -- The Finishing School

Title: The Finishing School
Author: Michele Martinez
Length: 387 pages
Genre: suspense/mystery
Plot Basics: U.S. Attorney Melanie Vargas is assigned to the case of the two apparent drug overdose deaths of two students from a wealthy prep school. As Melanie works on the case -- trying to keep focused on the investigation and not Dan O'Reilly, the hot FBI agent working with her again -- the facts she finds point not to a drug overdose, but to murder.
Banter Points: The whodunit part of this story has a pretty good twist. It was also nice to see an author work in some more modern technology, like Melanie trying to get access to the dead girls' deleted blog sites.
Bummer Points: Word Nerd had a tough time with this book, and a tougher time trying to pinpoint what it was she didn't like. All in all, she thinks the problem was the the characters all felt too two-dimensional, the plot twist while good ended up being obvious, and the romance between Melanie and Dan predictable.
Word Nerd recommendation: Word Nerd's probably done with Martinez' books, even though she's got a third one out. There's just something that doesn't sit right with her about these books.

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