23 September 2011

Book Banter: The Ghosts of New York

Title: The Ghosts of New York
Author: Jennifer Pelland
Genre: Fantasy
Length: 24 minutes
Where Stacie's Copy Came From: Podcastle Episdode 153
Plot Basics: Everyone knows about the survivors, victims and rescuers involved in the fall of the Towers on 9/11/2001, but what about the ghosts?

Banter Points: This was a great perspective of life and death, in the context of 9/11. The event is recent, only 10 years ago, and there are many emotions around the event: fear, anger, pride, sorrow and joy. Processing the event will take more than ten years. Stories like this will help.

But the title isn't "Ghost of the Towers" or something of that sort. Instead, New York is the subject. And in this story there are ghosts everywhere. And our ghost, the one who leads us through the story, finds her place and realizes what her role may be.

Bummer Points: Not any really. It was a tough subject, and well handled.

Stacie's Recommendation: Read as part of the Dark Faith anthology or listen to it at Podcastle.

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