08 August 2011

Book Banter -- Basilisk

Title: Basilisk (Chimera Series #2)
Author: Rob Thurman
Genre: crime/sci-fi
Length: ~250 pages
Where Word Nerd's Copy Came From: Barnes and Noble Nook copy
Plot Basics: Several years have passed since Russian mobster Stefan Korsak rescued his brother Misha from the controlling clutches of the Institute and they've managed to settle into a comfortable life in a small Oregon town. Yet they know the Institute won't give up on getting Misha back and will use whatever they can to accomplish that. When an altercation with a tourist turns sour, Misha and Stefan (and Godzilla the ferret) hit the road to try to dissolve the Institute forever. But to make a stand against the rest of the Institute's Chimera kids, Misha will have to face down the scariest of them all.

Banter Points: This was one series where a POV switch between books really worked. Where "Chimera" was told from Stefan's perspective, "Basilisk" was told from Misha's and his was really the best voice for the story. On the whole, the book was a great action sequence with touching, brotherly moments and a superb ending and/or launching point for another book (if there ever gets to be one).

Bummer Points: Though I saw the book on shelves before its official release day, I waited to buy it after release day and ended up getting hte e-book version. Thanks to Rob's Twitter feed, I knew that there were some problems with the e-book version (no cover image!) and the epilogue out of order... which was a big bummer. As for the book itself, got no complaints.

Word Nerd Recommendation: It's hard to decide which pair of brothers from Thurman I like more -- Cal and Niko or Stefan and Misha. The best solution is just to read both series and see for yourself why it's hard to pick.

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