And while this particular post was written by a mom, I think that anyone in search of quiet will understand:
And I was like, The Quiet? Who is this band, and why have I not heard of them?
Someone has got to make this happen. Someone has got to put a band together that just stands still on stage, their guitars hanging languidly around their necks, the keyboard and drum set untouched. And in order to buy a ticket you have to be a parent. And you can't bring your kids. And you just sit there in the theater with all these other parents basking in the exhilarating silence of it all.
"What'd you do last night?"
"My husband and I went downtown to see The Quiet."
"Oh yeah? I've heard they're pretty good live."
"You've no idea. The track I downloaded from iTunes doesn't do them justice."
Are you a writer who needs quiet? I am. I cannot listen to music without falling into the lyrics. I'm easily distracted too.
Until I hit my stride. And then I fall into the story, the words, the characters that are swirling in my brain.
Mostly, it's about knowing what you need.
Every so often, it's a band called The Quiet.
Haha! I love this. I'm also a writer who prefers quiet. If I can't get a quiet spot to write, then I have to force myself to be the source of the quiet. I have to stop reading emails, checking Twitter, commenting on Facebook... I have to sit still and drink tea or something like that for ten minutes before my mind is clear to write.