08 June 2011

Author Answers with Jennifer Wylie

Today's answers come to us from Jennifer Wylie. Jennifer writes short stories as part of Echelon Press' Shorts project. Jump in to find out more!

WN: What does a reader need to know about your series of short stories, Tales of Ever?
JW: Each story is between 13 and 15 thousand words, so as short stories go they are on the longer side. Part of Echelon Press' Electric Shorts project, they are geared toward 13-17yr olds. Each has been written to be fast paced and a fun read. The goal is to get more teens reading! Hopefully both the writing style and length will accomplish this and get at least a few more kids hooked. That said, Ever is certainly an interesting world, with a variety of characters even adults enjoy. For any lovers of paranormal or fantasy they will be a fun and exciting read!

WN: Let's dish: what character are you most like? Why?
Honestly none of the characters in my Tales of Ever series are very much like me. However Ever is a world where mostly evil people are banished LOL. If anyone I would say I'm closest to my main character Misha. Or maybe I was when I was sixteen. She deals with a lot of uncertainty and normal teenage feelings on top of everything else. Of course I'm not an orphan or a firestarter, though the later would certainly be cool!

WN: What's up next for you? More Tales of Ever?
JW:Yes! Tales of Ever will have six installments. One comes out each month, the 6th in August. I'll be busy writing and editing them up until then. This project has certainly kept me busy!
I also have my very first novel coming out in June, both in print and as an eBook. Sweet Light is an adult romantic fantasy and I'm super excited about its release.

WN: Short stories present a different challenge then novels. Tell us why you like the short story format.
JW:I've always loved short stories. When I was younger (back in public and high school) I wrote a few and then got sucked into novels. I actually didn't start writing short stories again until about a year ago. The main problem I have is ending them. I grew so used to writing and writing and writing it seems in no time at all I hit my word count for a short. I've had to teach myself to at least vaguely plan out a story line, or at least how the story will end, so I don't turn a short into a novel.
One of the main things I love about shorts is how quickly the whole process goes. It's very satisfying to complete a project and this happens much sooner with shorts, not only with the writing, but later the editing process as well.

WN: You are both author and acquisitions editor. What's it like playing the dual role?
JW:Very crazy, and hectic. I'll admit my writing time has been cut back a lot. I constantly wish for a clone, or a maid! As a stay at home on top of everything else I'm very rarely not busy with something or another.

WN: Any tips you'd like to share for authors who submit to you or Echelon Press?
JW: Do your homework. This applies to all aspects. Submit the correct genre to the right person. Follow the guidelines. Do some research on how to write a great query letter and synopsis. Most of all, make sure your book is ready to be read! Edit edit edit. If you can have someone else read or edit as well. You don't have to hire someone, even a friend or writing group can help. Do research on this as well. There are many articles online about editing do's and don'ts, things to watch out for etc.

WN: What question should the Word Nerds have asked, but didn't?
JW: How to find out more about me and my work of course! I'm all over the web and love to 'talk' with readers and fellow writers.
All of my published work is available in eBook formats at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and OmniLit.

My website: www.jenniferwylie.ca

My blog: http://jlwylie.wordpress.com/

twitter: @jen_wylie

goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4499919.Jen_Wylie

facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jennifer-Wylie/151266004895266

Bonus Author Bio:

Jennifer Wylie was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. In a cosmic twist of fate she dislikes the snow and cold.

Before settling down to raise a family, she attained a BA from Queens University and worked in retail and sales.

Thanks to her mother she acquired a love of books at an early age and began writing in public school. She constantly has stories floating around in her head, and finds it amazing most people don’t. Jennifer writes various forms of fantasy, both novels and short stories. Sweet light is her debut novel to be published in 2011.

Jennifer resides in rural Ontario, Canada with her husband, two boys, Australian shepherd a flock of birds and a disagreeable amount of wildlife.

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