31 May 2011

Lost for Words

Do you ever get to the point where you cannot think of anything to say?

It's not typical that I really get to the point where I cannot think of a single thing to say. Yet, I've been dangerously close the last couple of weeks.

I've read some okay, but not great, books. I like to do reviews when I have something to say about them, otherwise they feel like a book report. Work is off-limits, so no comment there. And this blog is about writing, not running. Running has really become a passion for me.

In fact, running is a passion in the way that writing never was. The cool thing about running is that you are always winning simply by being out there. Any runner will tell you that completing the long run is more in your head than in your body. I'm willing to get up at 4:30 two or three mornings a week and run before work. At 6 or so on a weekend to take a long run through one of the winding trails near the college. I can't imagine getting up at 4:30 to write.

But when I run, I compose some great passages. They are for the book I'm still thinking about, the one that I won't talk about for fear of scaring it away.

It's a book that wants to be written from 8-5, Monday through Friday. And that's really odd for me. I used to write, pre-MBA program, after hours, later the better.

For now, I'll keep running. Chasing after those ideas, random thoughts and passages that come to me. It's enough for now. The paper will be waiting when it is ready.

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