14 April 2011

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Word Nerd Bethany is off doing her real job today.

OK, maybe that needs some clarification. She does her real job every day. But today is the 5th Annual Starfish Story Breakfast which means that she's glad-handing donors and making a little speech at about 8:04 this morning. Yes, she has scripted the event down to the minute.

Writing remarks is a totally different kind of writing that what I normally do. I think I channeled my best inner Sam Seaborn (the speech writer from West Wing, for the culturally forgetful....) and have good things to say.

If you want to know more about Starfish, you can check it out here. Also, if you're a regular reader in the greater Indianapolis area, consider being a mentor. We need more volunteer adults. It's the best volunteer thing I've ever done (and I'm not just saying that since I work there.)

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