21 April 2011

Book Banter -- Save As Draft

Title: Save As Draft
Author: Cavanaugh Lee
Genre: romantic comedy
Length: 324 pages
Where Bethany's Copy Came From: Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library
Plot Basics: Izabell Chin is a young lawyer who heads to the Internet dating scene to meet someone. Thus she begins a correspondence in this epistolary email novel with Marty. But her dating situation takes a turn when she and her long-time friend and co-worker Peter hook up. The story follows this quasi love-triangle and looks at the pitfalls of dating, work and timing in relationships.

Banter Points: I was drawn to this book with its sleek cover poking fun at the Apple icon and the epistolary nature of the book. I have always like stories told in letters and this modern twist on that (emails and twitter posts) seemed clever. It was an interesting read because the reader doesn't actually see any of the action, just the words about. Marty and Izzy meet, but all you get is the follow-up emails, for example. The book is also littered with the emails that the characters write but never send, giving the reader a true glimpse into their feelings.

Bummer Points: This book reminded me why Internet dating is so hard. This book was also clearly cheap therapy for Cavanaugh Lee who even dedicates it to the real "Peter" and "Marty." She even talks about it here on her website, explaining that yes, this did really happen. While I enjoyed the book, I think I would have liked it more if she'd dreamt the whole thing up instead of pilfering her life. I'm not saying we fiction writers don't borrow heavily from what we've gone through (we do) but I was bummed because she was so blatant about it.

Word Nerd Recommendation: I read much of this book while awake in the middle of the night with heartburn (not a broken heart, mind you) and it was the right speed for that when I wasn't entirely awake and needed something distracting. Probably a good airplane/beach book. Would definitely not recommend it if you're on the rebound from a failed relationship.

1 comment:

  1. "Pilfering from her life" - that is really harsh. Many authors have published books based loosely on their lives/experiences. Nevada Barr is a great example. Her books are written loosely on the experiences she has had as a ranger with the NPS. Her books are weaved between "borrowed" actual events in the NPS and a plot that she creates - to entice you to continue reading. Ms. Cavanaugh Lee did nothing different then other authors from years past.

    I am a full time Respiratory Therapy student. I do not have time to read a book. So, when the urge strikes me to read something other then a pulmonary disease book ~ I need the book to pull me in. I need to hear the voices and imagine the characters within. Is that NOT what writing is all about?

    Regardless of how Ms. Lee acquired the plot ~ for her first novel I enjoyed it.

