07 March 2011

Book Banter -- Indefensible

Title: Indefensible
Author: Pamela Callow
Genre: Thriller
Length: 502 pages
Where Bethany's Copy Came From: Review copy from Planned TV Arts
Plot Basics: Lawyer Kate Lange wants to heal from her encounter with a serial killer and maybe figure out if the tension between her and her boss, Randall Barrett is something or not. But when Barrett's ex-wife falls to her death in suspicious circumstances, he's targeted as the murder. Or possibly his son who wants vengeance for the way his family's fallen apart. It ends up falling to Kate to defend Barrett and try to keep Barrett's family from being totally destroyed.
Banter Points: This is a thriller set in Canada, the city of Halifax specifically. That's kind of cool since most of them out there are in Chicago, Los Angeles or New York (or so it often seems.)
Bummer Points: The basic problem with this book is that it could never decide who it was really about. Chapters bounced around like pinballs between Kate, Randall, his kids, Nick and Lucy, Kate's ex-fiance who happens to the be the lead detective on the case, Randall's ex-wife (before she ends up dead) and the killer. The problem is the story ends up being about nothing more than a series of events instead of the people that it's happening to. Unlike a "Boomtown" episode which navigated smoothly between multiple main characters, this story felt jerky and erratic.
Word Nerd Recommendation: Skip it unless you want a serious case of character whiplash.

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