22 February 2011

A Mouse in the House

This weekend, my husband called me over to an open kitchen drawer. "Umm, honey? When did you last clean out this drawer?"

In the back of the drawer were some crushed peanut shells, sans peanuts.

All signs of a mouse in the house.

While I doubt he is the motorcycle riding variety, he did remind me of a few stories that I should share with the boys:

  • Ralph and the Motorcycle
  • Stuart Little (since they love the movie version)
  • If you give a Mouse a Cookie
  • The Borrowers

Stories about furry friends are always popular with kids. My ten year old loves the Poppy series by Avi. Bethany had a fondness for Brian Jacques' Redwall series. I still love reading Pidgeon books by Mo Willems.

Fond memories.

The trap is now set for our furry little friend. But a tiny part of me wishes that we could find him. And train him to drive a motorcycle.

Image from Wonder-Shirts where you can buy a Mo Willems theme tshirt or tote. Check them out today!


  1. They weren't mice, but I also remember loving The Littles (the people with the tails...) I think the author of the Littles was the first real writer I ever got to meet...

    Also, I'm still saddened by the news from a week or so ago about Brian Jacques' death. I'm so glad I have so many of his book to share someday.

  2. Hope you catch your mouse soon!

    Jacqueline Howett

  3. Bethany - I remember the Littles too, but as a television show. I didn't realize they were a book too.

    Jacqueline - We caught him this morning, in fact. My husband found him and took care of everything. Now the trick is whether or not there are others running around.
