07 February 2011

Book Banter -- Fear No Evil

Title: Fear No Evil (Evil Trilogy, bk. 3) 
Author: Allison Brennan
Genre: Romantic suspense
Length: 408 pages
Where Word Nerd's Copy Came From: Indianapolis Marion County Public Library
Plot Basics: Lucy Kincaid -- youngest sister in the law-enforcement heavy Kincaid family -- is graduating from high school and going off to Georgetown in the fall. But she's got a big secret, an online boyfriend. She agrees to meet him before her graduation ceremony and goes missing. FBI agent Kate Donovan knows the psychopathic killer who's got Lucy, a e-crimes criminal who rapes and murder women as the deeds are broadcast live over the Internet to anyone willing to pay the high price to watch. Kate will have to trust profiler Dillon Kincaid to be able to stop the killer on time and save Lucy and redeem Kate from her own past.

Banter Points: Brennan knows how to write a creepy villain. It was awful to think that there are really people out there who broadcast this sort of thing over the Internet, but I'm sure Brennan did her research. Either way, the bad guy was bad and his ruthlessness was believable.

Bummer Points: I always have a little trouble with romantic suspense... that the law enforcement person and the DA/rescue worker/social outcast hook up in the midst of a case. In this one, while the suspense part of the plot was excellent, I just couldn't believe that Dillon and Kate would get together. Gee, dear, we've just gone up against a sexual-psycopath-killer, shall I rub your feet as a prelude to mind-blowing sex and ever-lasting love, as you confess your deep loneliness and fear that no one would ever love you again because you screwed up on the job in the past?

Word Nerd Recommendation: It's a heck of a suspense novel and putting aside the romance part, very worth the read. Brennan has grown hugely as a writer since her first trilogy.

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