09 November 2009

NaNo Contest Winner!

Thanks to all of you who suggested great character names to get me unstuck in my NaNo.

I liked a lot of the suggestions...though maybe not the one suggestion of "Dave." ;)

Some suggestions just didn't fit, largely because there were a few names that were too similar to some already existing characters.

But, one rose to the top as a clear winner.... Drumroll please....

My NaNo villain is named Sorian Pearce, thanks to Rachel's suggestion. YAY for Rachel!

In recognition of her great suggestion, if interested, Rachel wins a copy of "Mortal Path: Dark Time" from Dakota Banks. If not, the book will be donated to an outlet that needs it, like a local library. (Rachel, drop me an email to let me know what you want to do...)

Thanks for playing. I'm thinking about a possible other contest before the end of November, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad my villain name finally got used. :-) Since my stack of books to read is sky-high, and because I LOVE LIBRARIES! ...I'll pass on the book (with thanks) and let your local library prosper from its addition.

    Stick with your NaNo writing. You're doing awesome!
