09 December 2008

Book Banter -- White Night

Title: White Night (Dresden Files, bk. 9)
Author: Jim Butcher
Length: ~390 pages
Genre: urban fantasy
Plot Basics: Harry Dresden, Chicago's wizard for hire, is seen in the company of several young women right before they turn up dead. Only Harry knows it's not him that's snatching these women. Trying to serve on the side of right and justice, Harry decides he'll get to the bottom of things, even though that means going up against the White Court Vampires.
Banter Points: There's something about wizards named Harry.... When Harry Potter books were new to Word Nerd, she was just captivated by them. Now that she's turned her attention to the Dresden Files, a new grown-up Harry wizard has her attention. He is, as Word Nerd has pointed out before, a battered hero who has to grow and change with the circumstances of each book.
Bummer Points: This book, in the grand scheme of the series, was a transition book. Butcher seriously raised the stakes in book 8, and this one seemed to do a lot to help that transition... keeping old and new characters around and fresh in readers' minds, while only advancing the big plot a little bit.
Word Nerd Recommendation: Still a great series to read... check it out!

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