06 October 2008

Book Banter -- Pinkerton's Secret

Title: Pinkerton's Secret
Author: Eric Lerner
Length: 317 pages
Genre: historical fiction
Plot Basics: Allan Pinkerton formed the first detective agency in the United States in the 1850s. The fictional memoir is the account of his work, and his terrible secret, hiring of the first woman detective and the relationship that develops between the two of them.
Banter Points: This book was great to read. It was Word Nerd's book club pick for October and she was a bit skeptical at first of how this title got chose. Once she started it however, it was hard to put down. Sweeping in historical scale, the "facts" didn't disrupt or overpower the flow of the narrative. Pinkerton was a wonderful character -- judgmental and critical and yet deeply passionate about the things he truly cared about (almost Dr. House like in that regard).
Bummer Points: Word Nerd doesn't really remember much of the Civil War history that would have been pounded into her head in high school so there were some things Pinkerton referred to that were a little lost on her.
Word Nerd Recommendation: A definite two-thumbs up. Civil War buffs and fans of detective novels alike need to read it.

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