11 June 2008

Word Nerd Returns

Word Nerd is packing up her car tomorrow and heading back to the northern climes of Wisconsin to see her pals from her reporter days.

She is very excited about this.

She might even skulk about the Oshkosh Public Library a bit for old times' sake.

After this trip, Word Nerd also plans to return to some serious work on the book. It's been sorely lacking of late with major work deadlines and writing workshops to teach and travel. She also really hoping to return to doing author interviews to bring some regularity back to the blog. It's harder to do those since they aren't work related anymore, but far from impossible. (Maybe here's Word Nerd's public thanks to the authorsontheweb.com promoters who are keeping Word Nerd in review copies and interviews so far.)

Anyway... if you are a O-towner, keep your eyes open for Word Nerd and say hi.

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