12 May 2008

Book Banter -- Chuck Dugan is AWOL

Title: Chuck Dugan is AWOL
Author: Eric Chase Anderson
Length: 223 pages
Genre: adventure fiction
Plot Basics: Midshipman Chuck Dugan goes AWOL to try to stop his mother's remarriage to a shady character known only as "The Admiral."
Banter Points: The high point of this book is all of Anderson's drawings. Every chapter has a map of where the action occurs and throughout each chapter, smaller drawings are sprinkled as well. The maps definitely help give the action the right visuals because Anderson doesn't use a lot of description.
Bummer Points: The plot is pretty weak and Word Nerd felt like there was some information that should have been presented much earlier in the story than when it was revealed (like, oh, say that the story happens in the 1940/50s...explains WHY there's still a sailing German U-boat.)
Word Nerd Recommendation: Word Nerd borrowed this book from a friend. It's fun for a quick read, but if you are looking for substance and plot with pictures, this isn't the illustrated novel you're looking for.

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