07 August 2007

Book Banter -- The Deep Blue Alibi

Title: The Deep Blue Alibi
Author: Paul Levine
Length: 457 pages
Genre: legal/comedy
Plot Basics: Defense lawyers Steve Solomon and Victoria Lord are together again for their second big case. The law partners (in and out of the courtroom) are snagging some time at a beach when they are almost run over by an out-of-control boat. The boat, they discover, is piloted by none other than Victoria's "Uncle" Grif, her father's former business partner. They also discover a dead man in one of the cabins of Grif's boat and he hires Solomon and Lord to clear his name. But representing near-family, they find out is tougher because of the skeletons that are unearthed.
Banter Points: It was neat to see the thread for all the characters of how their parents' choices were influencing them now and how they reacted to things their parents had kept from them.
Bummer Points: This book felt more like two separate books at times. There was the story of Victoria and her work on the case with Uncle Grif and then there was Steve's story about trying to get his father reinstated to the Bar. Granted, those plots intersected some, but it would have been nice to have more of the banter between Steve and Victoria.
Word Nerd recommendation: This is another good beach read or airplane book. Still funny, still really good legal procedural.

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