09 August 2007

Book Banter -- A Crazy Little Thing Called Death

Title: A Crazy Little Thing Called Death (A Blackbird Sisters mystery)
Author: Nancy Martin
Length: 280 pages
Genre: mystery/chick lit
Plot Basics: Nora Blackbird stumbles onto another murder -- though this time it's not a body she's finds, but just a severed hand. When she finds the hand, she's again in the company of mob-family heir Michael "Mick" Abruzzo, who's once again, a suspect. When the police give up on Mick as the murderer, Nora takes it on herself again to solve another case of foul play in Philadelphia's upper crust.
Banter Points: The revolving cast of characters in these books is fantastic. While Nora and her two sisters, Libby and Emma, and Mick are staples, some of the minor characters like Nora's friend Lexie Paine are the best. Lexie's role is interesting to see in this book and Martin also introduces some new minor characters (like food critic Crewe Dearborne) that Word Nerd hopes wil be back in future books.
Bummer Points: This is the last (so far) of the published Blackbird Sisters books.
Word Nerd recommendation: Word Nerd is recommending that Martin write more in this charming series and meanwhile, if you are a fan of Evanovich, read this series in between the numbers and you might find that like Word Nerd, you like these better.

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