30 July 2007

Book Banter -- Deliverer

Title: Deliverer (Foreigner series bk. 9)
Author: C.J. Cherryh
Length: 357 pages
Genre: sci-fi

Bren Cameron, diplomat and human advisor to Tabini, the head of the atevi world, is back on the planet after several years in space and a mad-cap race back to the capital to put Tabini back in power after a coup and hoping for life to settle down. Tabini's young son, Cajeiri, who went with Bren to space, finds his new life in the capital exceptionally boring. But the political adversaries who want Tabini out of power make one last try, this time it's Cajeiri they target and Bren is again called upon to put the situation to rights.

Banter Points: Cherryh writes several chapters from Cajeiri's point of view which were excellent. It was a wonderful break from the long internal thinking sections from Bren's POV that had dominated the other eight books in this series.
Bummer Points: Book eight, in Word Nerd's opinion, would have been a much better place to end the whole series. The ending was tighter, more dramatic and resolved things almost as well as the ending of this book did.
Word Nerd recommendation: All in all, a good series. It's not the best series for a reader who wants non-stop action; there's a lot of introspection on Bren's part throughout the books. But, if you want a good series with a race of aliens that act alien and don't just have bumps on their foreheads, these books are great.

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