A heads-up to authors out there shopping for a publisher for their books.
According to the Authors Guild, publishers Simon and Schuster appear to be change their contract language. According to the Authors Guild release, the new contract would let S&S retain rights for the book even when it goes out of print. Normally, rights revert back to the author when a book goes out of print. This is why a book can be re-released by a different publisher.
What the new S&S contract language could do is make it so the publishing house would never have to give up the rights to the book, or basically, that the author is stuck with that house forever. Authors Guild is keeping an eye on this to see if other publishers follow suit.
Also, in lighter news, Stacie from Raspberry-Latte is now one of the group bloggers over at Start Writing Now.
You can check out her first post here.
Thanks for the mention!