06 April 2007

Sorry Harry, or There's Just No Time

Word Nerd has made a decision. She's most likely not rereading all six of the Harry Potter books before the last one comes out.

Her decision came down to the fact that there are just too many other books and not enough time. Yes, Word Nerd reads a lot. Yes, it's still almost four months before HP 7 comes out. But... well, Word Nerd's got too many other authors she's never read before/books she's never read before to make it worth going back to the beginning of the Harry Potter series.

She reached her decision last night, when after arriving home from the library, she realized the stack was five books deep and she could have brought back more than that from the library but didn't.

Word Nerd will eventually reread at least Harry Potter 5 and 6 in preparation for the new one, but it's looking highly doubtful now she'll reread the entire series again.

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