12 April 2007

Book Banter -- Sir Thursday

Title: Sir Thursday (Keys to the Kingdom, bk. 4)
Author: Garth Nix
Length: 323 pages
Genre: juv/fantasy

Arthur Penhaligon, rightful heir of the House, isn't even recovered from his adventures to best Drowned Wednesday and contain the Border Sea when he receives a summons that he's been drafted into Sir Thursday's army. Arthur assumes the name Ray Green and goes off to his basic training to become one of the soldiers fighting off the Nithlings in the Great Maze. Only the Nithlings have brought a device into the Maze that keeps the normally moving tiles of the Maze from moving and threatens the Star Keep and could overrun Sir Thursday's army unless Arthur can get the Key that Thursday has.
Banter Points: Garth Nix's imagination and creativity never ceases to amaze. Book after book, he keeps coming up with unique devices from the Improbable Stair to the Not-Horses and the Great Maze that moves. It's this creativity that's got Word Nerd so hooked into this juvenile series. The book may be for kids, but the writing is crisp and descriptive and inventive.
Bummer Points: Sometimes because it's a kid's book, the characters seem a little flat.
Word Nerd recommendation: These are great books for young fans of Harry Potter looking for something else to read. Adult fans of the fantasy genre should also like these, just for the imaginative value.

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