12 February 2007

Rubbing elbows

On Saturday, Word Nerd trekked to Madison for a book talk and signing with Marcus Sakey and Sean Chercover at the great mystery book store, Booked for Murder.

It was a small crowd for the event which was just fine because the event turned interactive then, with Sakey and Chercover answering audience questions, and asking us some too.

After the official event part was over, Sakey and Chercover hung around to sign books and talk with folks more one-on-one. This was the cool part. In talking to both of them, Word Nerd admitted that she was working on a book and that currently, it was in the Let's-shred-the-whole-thing-and-then-shred-the-shreds phase. They understood that. There was empathy.

Word Nerd's still stuck on how to fix the problems she's having in the middle of the novel, but she's encouraged at least to hear again from real authors that this can be a normal sort of dilemma.

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