29 January 2007

Bantock comes before Buechner and after Adams

Word Nerd spent a little while on Saturday trying to box up some books to make room for other titles on the bookshelf.

This was, unfortunately, before she went to Barnes & Noble. Needless to say, the shelf rearranging episode 2 is set to begin sometime in the not-too-distant future. The books in question needing shelved are Nick Bantock's second Griffin and Sabine trilogy. All three were on the bargain shelf at B&N and while not as good as the first trilogy, it's worth having.

So, now, after Richard Adams' Watership Down" and the first three Griffin and Sabine books and before Frederick Buechner's "Alphabet of Grace" Word Nerd has to make more shelf space.

Or maybe it's time to breakdown and buy another book shelf...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. have to chuckle because I mentioned only a few days ago my similar dilemma. To budget for bookshelves, I have to purchase fewer books. Alas!
