11 December 2006

Word Nerd, the audience participation version


It's Monday morning and Word Nerd's brain is a little sleepy still and not firing on enough pistons to really come up with a witty blog post.

So. She's turning to you, her faithful readers.

Word Nerd moved her "Currently Reading" post over there ---> to become a permanent sidebar.

But she wants to know this: What books are you currently reading? Post just titles if you want, or a mini-review.

Word Nerd will be looking for airplane books later this month and will take suggestions under advisement.


  1. Well, just based on what's sitting at my house with bookmarks in it:

    Serenity: The Visual Companion

    And You Shall Know Our Velocity

    You Suck: A Love Story

    Lisey's Story

    How I Write

    A Confederacy of Dunces (I've been reading this, now, for the better part of two years. It needs to develop a plot in a bad way.)

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next - audiobook.

  2. Yes Man - Danny Wallace

    The Once and Future King -T.H. White

    Born to Kvetch - Michael Wex

  3. Matriarch -Karen Traviss

    The Religion of the Northmen -Rudolph Keyser

    The Vampire: His Kith and Kin -Montague Summers

  4. I've started rereading "The Clown," by Heinrich Boll, which is a gem. I'll bet you've already red "Anansi Boys," which I am a few chapters into, as well.

  5. On Writing by Stephen King
    Firethorn by Sarah M--something

    I'm sure I have other books with bookmarks too, but can't think of them at the time
