04 December 2006

November Bibliometer

Another month, another set of stats.

November's bibliometer reading is as follows:
8 books
2,764 pages
92.13 pages/day.

That bring the 2006 YTD totals to:
86 books
28,274 pages
77.5 pages/day

Word Nerd is easily setting a new record this year for most books read in a year, since she started tracking these stats back in college. She doesn't think the count's been inflated that much by short easy books (ie, reading shorter kids or YA books) either, save for some Neil Gaiman Sandman comic volumes.

The November books were:
Home to Harmony, Philip Gulley
Which Brings Me to You, Steve Almond and Julianna Baggott
Nine Princes in Amber, Roger Zelazny
Twelve Sharp, Janet Evanovich
God of the Fairy Tale, Jim Ware
Invader, C.J. Cherryh
Mysteries of the Middle Ages, Thomas Cahill
The Guns of Avalon, Roger Zelazny

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