01 October 2006

The Next Classic

Thanks to those of you that voted in Word Nerd's "What Classic to Read Next" poll.

Results are in and the winner is:
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

Dorian Gray got 36% of the vote, trailed by Lord of the Flies, which received 25% and Foundation, which got 22%.

Word Nerd is a little bit sad that nobody voted for Graham Greene's Our Man in Havana. Greene has been one of Word Nerd's favorite writers ever since she was forced to read his Brighton Rock in a college lit class. She will likely, though, pick up his books without the prompting of a poll.

So -- just to keep everything on the up-and-up, Word Nerd will report on Dorian Gray on Halloween. Like with The Count of Monte Cristo, she'll welcome comments that day from others who have read Dorian Gray.

1 comment:

  1. Remember Dorian Gray in the "Leage" film? Where Sean Connery had to deal with his smug attitude.

    Yep, didn't think anyone else watched that film either.
