08 September 2006

Book Banter -- Enchanted, Inc.

Title: Enchanted, Inc.
Author: Shanna Swendson
Length: 308 pages
Genre: paranormal chick-lit
Plot Basics: Katie Chandler has always seen strange things in New York City -- like the girl with fairy wings on the subway -- ever since moving there from her small hometown in Texas. She's chalked it all up to it being in the big city. But when Katie pursues a new job to get out of the miserable office she currently works in, she learns that there's a good reason for why she's seeing the strange things. It's all real, fairies, magic and the like and Katie has talents the magical business world desperately needs.

Banter Points: If you've never read a paranormal chick lit book this may be the best entry-level book ever. Though it's premise is largely the same as Harry Potter -- there's a magical world going on right under the noses of the non-magical community -- the plot is so different from the boy wizard's. Katie is a great protagonist and Swendson peppers her paranormal New York with great little details. For a newbie reader though, the magical elements aren't jarring. It's, in essence, a fairy tale about a girl discovering a magical world and hoping for a handsome prince.
Bummer Points: SPOILER ALERT......

Chick lit has that element of a love story in it somewhere. For the whole book, Katie's crushing on Owen, a hot, albeit shy, wizard in Research and Development. And nothing remotely romantic happens between them.

Word Nerd recommendation: Word Nerd was definitely enchanted by Enchanted, Inc. The sequel, Once Upon Stilettos, is on her list of books to read.

BONUS: Tune in Tuesday when Word Nerd's next Author Answers interview is with Shanna Swendson!

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