22 September 2006

Book Banter -- Dead Girls Don't Wear Diamonds

Title: Dead Girls Don't Wear Diamonds
Author: Nancy Martin
Length: ~250 pages
Genre: mystery/chick lit
Plot Basics: Nora Blackbird, part-time social columnist and impoverished socialite finds herself having to unravel another swanky murder. After she's at one of Philadelphia's glitzy parties, the wife of Nora's old college flame turns up dead in the swimming pool... and the emerald ring from her grandmother that Nora wears turns up missing. Are the two connected? And is Nora under suspicion for murder because of running in to the dead woman's husband at the party?
Banter Points: These Blackbird sister mysteries are a hoot. Nora -- and her sisters Emma and Libby -- are hilarious characters, particularly the very-pregnant Libby in this book. These books have the right mix of high fashion, mystery and romance as Nora tries to figure out her relationship with quasi-crime lord Michael "The Mick" Abruzzo.
Bummer Points: SPOILER: Are Nora and Michael ever going to get together?
Word Nerd recommendation: Do yourself a favor: While waiting for the hold to come in on the latest Evanovich novel, read these, because the time will be well spent.

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