26 July 2006

Book Banter -- Mortal Stakes

Title: Mortal Stakes
Author: Robert B. Parker
Length: 167 pages
Genre: mystery
Plot Basics: Spenser's third outing takes him to Fenway Park. He's hired by the Boston Red Sox to find out if pitcher Marty Rabb is throwing games. Turns out, the squeeze is on Rabb for his wife's history and Spenser decides he needs to make life safe again for them.
Banter Points: Spenser's character takes a turn at the end that was surprising, but great to see as a reader that his actions have consequences for him.
Bummer Points: These Spenser books are so short! Good thing, since Word Nerd's got 30 years of backlist to get through to get to the new Spenser books
Word Nerd recommendation: On to book #4

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