22 June 2006

Book Banter -- If Andy Warhol Had a Girlfriend

Title: If Andy Warhol Had a Girlfriend
Author: Alison Pace
Length: 385 pages
Genre: chick lit
Plot Basics: Jane Laine works for a big-name art gallery in New York City for a psychopathic boss and with coworkers to whom she gives nicknames to like the Velociraptor. The gallery represents Ian Rhys-Fitzsimmons, the best living sculptor. Suddenly, Jane finds herself on a five-month art tour with Ian, a man she thinks has far outlived his 15 minutes of fame. Once out of New York City, Jane discovers this trip might not be so bad after all.
Banter Points: Word Nerd doesn't really know anything about how the international art scene works, but the book seems believable. Also, the author bio says Pace worked at Sotheby's in the past so that makes Word Nerd suspect that she got the art world right (though perhaps overblown a little for the sake of good fiction.)
Bummer Points: The ending was a little disappointing, though it was still kind of cute.
Word Nerd recommendation: Word Nerd is a tad astonished that she read this book, being the straight-up chick lit that it is, without a twist of mystery or paranormal or thriller or whatever. That said, if you really like this genre, Word Nerd has a hunch that this one is a good one.

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