21 March 2006

The DaVinci Court

If you haven't been paying attention to the latest book brouhaha, here's an update.

In Britain, there is a copyright case in court saying Dan Brown, author of the wildly popular "DaVinci Code" borrowed liberally (as in, too liberally, as in plagiarism perhaps) from Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh's non-fiction book "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail."

If Baigent and Leigh win, it could hold up the release of the movie version of "The DaVinci Code," scheduled to open on May 19.

In a story about the DaVinci chaos this morning on NBC's "Today" show, the reporter also mentioned that if Baigent and Leigh win, it could "rock the publishing world." Just what that impact might be was left out of the story, but Word Nerd has sent an email to the esteemed Miss Snark to get some input on this unanswered question.

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