27 March 2006

Book Banter -- Grim Tuesday

Title: Grim Tuesday (Keys to the Kingdom, book 2)
Author: Garth Nix
Length: 321 pages
Genre: YA/fantasy
Plot Basics: Arthur Penhaligon nearly died in the fantastical and creepy House on Monday. When Monday ends, Arthur finds a new enemy in Grim Tuesday who has the power to destroy not only the world of the House, but Arthur's family and that world as well.
Banter Points: Nix's imagination must have been in overdrive when he set out to write the Keys to the Kingdom books. Where the first one introduced readers to a whole slate of oddball creatures (the Fetchers taking the top slot), Grim Tuesday brings in even more, with a sentient eyebrow, the very weird Scouchers and a legalistic bear.
Bummer Points: It was only the second book in the series and Nix sets up the end for the next one ... the drawback is the whole series is not published yet.
Word Nerd recommendation: These are great for a reader looking to fill the void between now and the next Harry Potter book. Also fans of Neil Gaiman's warped world in "Neverwhere" would probably like this.

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