22 February 2006

'T ain't what you do... it's why you do it

JA Konrath, author of Whiskey Sour, posted some great questions about why writers write on his blog.

Among them: A need for self-expression? Money? Fame? Because you just can't help it/stop it?

Writers, as a lot, (or at least the ones Word Nerd has met) tend to be a reflective people. It's likely because they are imbued with curiousity that constantly makes them ask questions about the world and "how would characters react in this situation" and "what happens next?"

Perhaps less often does a writer reflect on why he or she is writing.

There are lots of wannabee writers who are convinced that they are walking around with the story in their heads that will make them the next J.K. Rowling, or Dan Brown, or whomever.

But what is it that turns that person with the idea into the person who sits at the computer and bangs out word after word after word and then revises and revises and revises until the story is done?


Word Nerd knows two things about why she does it: It ain't the money and it ain't the fame.

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